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Triumphant Testimonial! #9

This happened approximately 6 - 7 years ago and the Holy Spirit reminded me of this miracle!!! I was attending New Hope Christian Fellowship and I was the acting interim Associate Pastor. We were invited to a revival in Sacramento, Ca. A number of the leadership and members caravanned to Sacramento to support our Senior Pastor Ron as he was invited to preach the final day of revival.

The sermon was awesome! It was about faith and healing and we were approaching the end of the service. The musicians began playing a song and I immediately began to worship the Lord. I was sitting in the very last row of the church and suddenly felt someone gently grabbing me by the tops of my shoulders and quickly let go. I turn to look behind me and there is no one??? I return to worshiping my Lord and I feel a second pulling on top of my shoulders and quickly look around, again no one. I hear someone whisper, "Get UP"!! I stand up and begin to exit the pew and a young lady named Crystal was sitting with me strangely looks at me exiting the pew. I then proceed to the front of the church and pass the pew in front of my seat and my aunt asks me, "where are you going"? I shrug my shoulders and keep walking forward. I was being lead by the Holy Spirit. I was almost at the third pew and all of a sudden, the organ player collapses in his seat. The Pastor rushes over and I also run to the man and am lead to stand behind him and immediately hear my spirit man telling me to anoint him and pray.

There was a nurse who was sitting with my aunt, who at this point is next to the man taking his pulse. The Pastor is at this mans feet and we all are praying for him. I scream out, "someone get me some anointing oil, NOW"!!! Crystal grabs my purse and rushes to the front of the church, hands me my purse and I grab my anointing oil and begin to anoint this man. I declared & decreed the blood of Jesus over his life & by His stripes he would be healed. I proceeded to make the sign of the cross and as I finish saying "Amen" this man loudly exhales!!!! He didn't inhale, but exhaled!! He wildly begins looking around confused and tries to get out of his seat. At that very moment the EMT's were arriving and come straight to him to access the situation. They strap him into a gurney and take him out of the church. The nurse looks at me and says,"that man had no pulse for at least three minutes. Lisa, I know he was not breathing and no pulse". JESUS!!!!


That means this man was DEAD!!!! WHOA

We all left the service blown away by God's grace & favor. The next time we met was for Bible study and the Pastor informed us that "The Pastor" was doing well & he had spoken to him & his wife over the phone. I had no idea that he was a Pastor. Our Pastor continued explaining that the man said he saw someone standing over him praying, he said he was above his body!!! He witnessed us praying for him and when the lady went to anoint him, his spirit went back into his body!!!! Hallelujah praise the Most High Jesus Christ.

This testimony was brought to my heart last night and I thought I would share it with you all. There is real power in prayer. Don't ever let the enemy trick you into thinking your prayers aren't being heard or powerful enough. I encourage you to share your testimony, go ahead I'm listening.

Blessings, Pastor Lisa

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