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Power of Prayer #31

Father as this year draws to an end, I listen for Your voice of instructions. I ask for Your hand to lead me, I look with eyes longing to see You. Allow eyes to see in the supernatural Lord, Your word says that Your sheep hear Your voice. There will be men and women that shall prophesy in Your name, dream dreams. Activate the hands of those anointed to heal, engage Your warriors who have been chosen to cast demons. Raise up Your prayer warriors and place fire on the tongues of those who preach and teach Your word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Armor Your watchmen and position them North South East and West to protect Your children who obey Your voice. Lord open the windows of heaven and pour out fresh manna this day to feed those who are spiritually starving. Let someone who thirsts for a closer walk with You drink from the well of the Living Waters. Your Word tells us that if we choose You we will no longer hunger nor thirst. You promised that in the last days we will see signs and wonders done in Your name. Father allow the blind to see, lame to walk, deaf to hear, tormented to be freed, broken to be made whole, crippled to be healed, lost to be found, deceived to discover, diseased made well and those in darkness brought into Your light. I pray this petition with a declaration that You will allow Victory in each of these areas.

In Jesus Mighty name. Amen

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