Power of Prayer #34
Father as we begin this New Year I ask for the scales to be removed from our eyes. Allow us to see the world unmasked so that we not be deceived or lured away from Your Holy presence. Father Your Word warns of things to look for and things to come and we trust that there isn't much more time before You return to gather up Your sons and daughters. Lord pour Your Spirit over us that we may be light in this dark & dying world. Allow us to not be fearful or worried about things of this world, saturate us in Your presence and keep us from all hurt harm and danger. Lord we love You! Order the footsteps of those who hear Your voice and bless them to trust You throughout all storms and challenges. How can two walk together unless they agree? The tests and oppositions we have faced in 2017 were only meant to draw us closer to You. Father Thank You for keeping us throughout the year of 2017. I Love You! In Jesus Mighty Name I pray! Amen