Triumphant Testimony #13
Always acknowledge God when He touches someone with a miracle!!! I am not going to use real names for the sake of privacy so I will rename this young man John. John has recently started attending services with me and during alter call the Holy Spirit lead me to pray for him. The Holy Spirit revealed that he was struggling with demonic oppression and the enemy was making him physically sick. In the name of Jesus I commanded that this demonic invader take it's filthy hands off of this young man. I spoke life into his thoughts & rebuked depression and some other things. I then laid my hands on both sides of his rather very extended belly (he looked 7-8 months pregnant) and spoke to the demonic spirits that were making his stomach sick, along with his kidneys and liver ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!! I said the BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST YOU, TAKE YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF THIS YOUNG MAN NOW!! I SPEAK TO THIS STOMACH AND IT WILL DEFLATE AND HE WILL BE HEALED & DELIVERED IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!
Well Saints, I had not seen John for about a little over a month. However, when I did see him the first thing I noticed is his stomach has gone all the way down and is FLAT!!!! His eyes are brighter and he physically looks different! All Glory To God!!! HALLELUJAH JEHOVAH RAPHA !!!
Can somebody shout I serve a God who heals!!!
Blessings to you all who are sick, trust Jesus for your healing. HE WILL DO IT!!!