Power of Prayer #48
My Lord, My Father, My Savior, My Redeemer, My Friend, I look to You for all my needs, wants, desires & dreams. You gave the children of Israel clear instructions on how to love You and follow You. Teach us to acknowledge You in all that we do. Father allow our hearts to fall madly in love with You. Lord all the hurts and fears from our past, erase them off our hearts and minds. The season has come for growth and new beginnings. No longer will we walk in uncertainty, but we will walk upright. Father order the footsteps of Your children beginning NOW. Lord You lead 70 people into the wilderness by the hand of Moses, but when they departed they were a mighty nation with descendants that are still walking this earth. Father increase our territories, broaden our horizons and take us farther then we have ever been. Equip us for the journey ahead and lead us onward. Father we trust You! In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!