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Power of Prayer #64

Father You alone have created man. How beautiful are the feet that You have prepared to spread the gospel upon this earth. Lord we are few in number but we can do all things through Christ who strengths us. We know this journey isn't for the fainthearted, so thank You Father for always leading and guiding us. As we travel into the land of unfamiliar, territory unknown give us not a spirit of fear, but a spirit of boldness. Carry us on the wings of eagles & grant us the speed of a gazelle. Quickly carrying our feet to the destinations filled with darkness. Quicken us in our spirits that we may be light in this dark and dreary world. Father have Your way & lead us onwards, direct our paths and sustain us when we feel like we can't go further. Jesus is my shepherd, I shall not want, nor fear. Thank you Father for carrying me this day. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

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