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Power of Prayer #70

Heavenly Father You are such a forgiving God. Thank You for allowing us redemption through Your Son Jesus. Lord many have fallen victim to searching for ways to communicate with those that have passed on. They truly don't understand that a dangerous door to the dark underworld opens when they try to pursue things of the spirit realm. The enemy is so crafty & cunning he lures people into things of the occult & they aren't even aware. People are easily coerced into seeking things of mystical & new age beliefs unbeknownst to them. Falling into a miry dark pit, a pit of the epitome of evil demonic creatures & beasts awaits those who search for the after-world. Lord the Holy Spirit is a gift to help lead us, keep us & protect us. Teach us Your ways Lord, give our spirit man the authority to defeat the flesh. Lonely are those who know not Your personal name. Father Blow the Clarion Trumpet & let all ears hear! The time is now, the season is now!!

Let Your chosen shepherds teach Your sheep, feed us Your wisdom, knowledge, & understanding.

In Jesus Mighty Name!!! Amen

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