Power of Prayer #71
Lord there are people who are wearing MASKS daily! They hide behind them, trying to be someone else. Most are ashamed & embarrassed about either their families, financial situations they grew up in, even the very type of houses they lived in as children. Many try desperately to erase their association to lack, poverty, public housing, government assistance, hand outs & hand me downs. Satan has them ashamed of who they are, who their parents are, & the family members that have mental illness are non existent in their lives any longer. We must not remove the MASK;
MANIC, ASHAMED, SECRETIVE, KIDDISH!! Lord MANIC people represent mad, insane, deranged, demented & demonic are hiding behind these MASKS that make them look beautiful on the outside, but their insides are pitch black. Rotten to the core! ASHAMED of who they really are. SECRETIVE about their upbringing, God forbid if someone knows the truth. KIDDISH in their thinking they can cover up the past with lies. Lie after lie helps MASK the very roots they come from. Lord teach them to live HOLY that they no longer need to hide behind the MASK.
You sent Your Son to set the captives free!!! Break off the MASKS Lord! Reveal Your Word to them in this season Father!
In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen