Power of Prayer #72
Holy One, creator of heaven & earth, illuminate Your sons & daughters in this season. Let them understand that Your Spirit is the light of the world which completely dominates any & every one in darkness. Lord release Your power over the disciples that walk upright & in righteousness. Empower them with a light that will blind the dark & expose the dark cracks & crevices that the enemy has been hiding in. Father search our homes, our vehicles, our habits, our hang outs, our places of employment our friends homes, those who are in the same family bloodline. Lord the very first thing You commanded was, "Let there be light" in Genesis 1:3. Without light blindness is king, without light there is no hope for a brighter day, without light we will never see the promises of tomorrow. Lord bless those that believe & use them mightily to bring others out of darkness. The enemy loves to keep people in the dark about Your light. Father every morning the sun rises to remind us that Your Son Rose for us!!! He defeated darkness by being the light of this dark & dying world. Father thank You for being our Light.
In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen