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Power of Prayer #74

Father I thank You for taking the scales out of my eyes & allowing me to see things in the spirit realm. The scriptures have foretold of such a time as now, the very present when men will be lovers of themselves. The Holy Spirit is to never be compromised or put in a "box". We need to treat You as the Guest of Honor at all times & once we have extended an invitation into our homes, You should have full & free range of every room in our house. Some of us have to "hide" things in the closet, or under the bed, ashamed and in secret. The time has come for EXPOSURE IN THE SPIRIT!!!! A TREE SHALL BE KNOWN BY IT'S FRUIT!!!! Lord no more deception in the pulpits, no more misleading ministers, no more double minded evangelists or pretend prophets. Father open our minds, our eyes, our ears & our hearts to seeing the wolf in sheep's clothing. Give us a boldness to stay away from a tree with rotting fruit on it. The fruit which rots begins to ferment & therefore has the capability to intoxicating the minds of men & women. Drunken influence will cause Your people to make bad decisions. Let us try the Spirit by the Spirit in this season!

In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen

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