Power of Prayer #78
Father God let those who stumble in darkness hear Your Clarion Call!!! Because of Your Son we have been given the opportunity for salvation. Lord Jesus thank You for Your unselfish act & giving Yourself as the ultimate sacrifice. Times have created an environment where wrong is right and right is wrong. Let the separating of the sheep and the goats be so apparent that all will see. Raise up the watchmen for this generation. Let the little one's shout out the name of Jesus as if it were like You were here walking this earth today. Allow husbands to be examples of what MEN OF GOD look like, behave like & most of all live like. The women who know You, let them be mother's to the younger ones. Dressing moderately and at all times carrying themselves as daughters of the King of Kings! Jesus thank You for loving us to the cross! Hosanna to the Son of David!! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!! Hosanna in the highest!!
In the mighty Name of Jesus!! Amen