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Power of Prayer #111

Father let us go back to being comfortable in our own skin. We don't need fake body parts to be loved, nor do we need to physically change everything about our appearances. Father if only we took a moment to search within to find out why we really want to recreate what You created?? Is it not even our own wanting, but perhaps that of the influence of a darker source?? Perhaps the power of suggestion that we aren't pretty enough or smart enough or physically fit enough is not even coming from us!! Could the enemy be actually using the airwaves of radio, television and even cell phones to transmit these ideas into our minds. Since when have we hated ourselves so much that we are trying desperately to be someone else. Satan is crafty! Do we not understand that we are made IN YOUR IMAGE & LIKENESS??? Satan wants to remove every identifying thing that looks like our Father. Lord help the world see his trickery.

In Jesus Mighty Name. Amem

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