Power of Prayer #195
Lord as we grow in life many different people come in & go out of our lives. Some are meant to last a lifetime & others just a season for a reason. Like Your son Jesus, many of Your sons & daughters have been rejected & overlooked. Your Word tells us that You came for the least of them. It was written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ We are not to murmur nor complain but seek God so that we will draw near to Jesus. I ask Lord that Your Spirit draw us near in these last hours. The enemy is flaunting his wickedness in our faces with legalized full term abortions & abominations against children. The American people who were founded on God have turned their backs & seek other gods to satisfy their needs & desires. A selfish Nation which is wicked, greedy & prideful. Many will stumble because they don't believe in the Living Bread of Life, Jesus.
And they said, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? Lord let this prayer reach that one who was spoke over as a nobody just like Jesus. Allow them to be a beacon of light in this dark dying world.
In Jesus Mighty name. Amen