Power of Prayer #245
Holy Spirit thank You! Thank You for keeping me when the devil was trying to kill me! Thank You for watching over me when I was intoxicated or under the influence, You kept me from ALL HURT HARM & DANGER! Thank You for dispatching Your protective angels when I surrounded myself with untrustworthy people in unsafe places. Lord, Thank You for whispering my name when I really wanted to give up! Thank You Father for holding me & my children during a time when I allowed the world to influence us all. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent me a strong, respectful, caring & honest man who would love not only me but my children as his very own! Thank You for those who now listen to the messages & revelation You give me through Your Word. Thank You for those who now read the Mighty Message & Power of Prayer's daily! Thank You for shifting our seasons to a time where we can walk without fear, live without worry & exist with Your LOVE! A time to be born & a time to die, the time is NOW! Lord allow us to be born in You today & die to the past of yesterday.
In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen
Thank you God, Thank you!! Amen!!