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Power of Prayer #325

Father, Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to intercede on behalf of Your children. Lord many days, weeks, months & years have passed by and somehow kept me separated from You, but YOU CALLED MY NAME!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Who am I that You are so mindful of Lord? Your Word teaches that You came for the least of them! I was a nobody, lost in darkness, drowning in misery and loneliness & YOU CALLED MY NAME!!

More importantly, I answered You Lord, I didn't ignore the tugging in my heart, the yearning to find You. I began to listen to that inner voice that kept telling me to call on Your name. Lord someone today is battling and unsure if they can go on another day, another hour or another minute. Father remind them that You said that we can cast our cares on You, & You will give us rest. Lord Thank You for loving on me & I know You have been waiting on someone who is reading this. To those who are still struggling, "Call His Name, The Name of Jesus!"

In Jesus Mighty name. Amen


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