Power of Prayer #334
Father God You gave us warning that this day was soon to arrive & now it is here! Too many have turned their backs on the ways of the Lord & walk according to their fleshly desires. Father you are a prayer answering God & have given us a window of opportunity to get back into position with You. Lord I know many have been strategically planted to divert Your children. Father take the blinders off & divulge the mysteries of the Gosple to those who are seeking You. Train up a people that have not gone weak or afraid to be clarion trumpet blowers in these last days. Father some deeply desire to serve you & anticipate a supernatural encounter with You to elevate them to the next level. Thank You for blowing a fresh breath of life over Your sons & daughters & we are asking to activate our trumpets today Lord! Those who agree say, "Activate My Trumpet Lord"!
In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen